January Update
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Debby is busy making new cabin cushion covers over the next few (?) days. We had ordered the material two weeks ago; it arrived Monday. Brian is helping a little (measuring and moral support) but has to get away a lot to an internet cafe to blog..
Three Kings Day was held (throughout Spain) on 6th January - a public holiday more hallowed than Xmas Day itself. The day of present giving and a huge parade (on the 5th) through the city where candies are thrown from floats. 10 000 kilos of candy! No kidding. It was like a cattle stampede. Parents even took their 3 month olds and gathered up bags of the stuff.
A couple of Canadian rowers from Vancouver stopped by Chinook yesterday to say hello. Young guys on the Canadian team. They are in training here - not a bad place to train... We think Deb´s son Andy knows one of them.
Watched a rowing race between Sevilla and another city last Sunday (from the boat - went right past us).
Went to a Flamenco dance exhibition 10 days ago - a real dancer who has had years of training. Quite amazing. We had been to a local bar (from 12 midnight - that's when it opened - until 3 a.m. when the smoke finally drove us home. The locals all do the dancing - called "Sevillana" an easier less complicated dance.
We have tickets to Cirque du Soleil for the 31st Jan - looking forward to it. It is the Chinese troupe.
Going to a Robbie Burns Night on the 25th hosted by a local cruiser-club member in their home. Haggis, scotch, bagpipes and poetry... hmmm... can we handle that in Spain - Roberto Burnso...
Photo: Debby getting roasted chestnuts
Getting the blog pages up and running has been Brian´s major "chore" over the last week in the local internet cafe. All are pretty well finished, but will never be finished, alway s edited and photos exchanged, added etc.... If you have any suggestions about any of them please let´s know. They (the Blogs) are not advertised on the WWW so only friends and family know about them, but if you want to pass on Chinook`s blog site to anyone who may be interested, that is fine with us.
Then there are those overdue boat chores that have to be done yet...